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Join the Elite HELLDIVERS in A New Hell Edition-PLAZA and Fight for Liberty

The premise of the game is that in the far future Super Earth in governed through "managed" Democracy which is pretty much a thinly veiled code word for fascism. You are a grunt in Super Earth's army, who are nicknamed helldivers. The soldiers are called this due to how they enter the battlefield, in individual, shock-proof pods which are fired from orbit with enough force to dig into the ground upon impact. The roof of the pod opens and the helldivers climbs out, ready to fight any enemy that awaits. Fascism can't survive without an enemy to rally the people against, so Super Earth declares war on three neighboring races: the Bugs, the Cyborgs, and the Illuminate.


GAMEPLAYHelldivers is a 3rd person, twin-stick shooter in which the camera is positioned overhead at a 45 degree angle, like Diablo or Starcraft.*The left stick controls movement and the right stick controls the direction of your gun.*R2 (R1 on the vita) fires the currently equipped weapon and is reloaded with R1 (swipe the right side of the rear touch screen on the vita).*L2 (swipe the left side of the rear touch screen on the vita) tosses a grenade. The grenade is somewhat useful in earlier difficulties, but later on it is fairly useless. It is only useful against mid-armored enemies which can easily be dispatched by your primary weapon. It has little or no effect on heavily armored enemies and tanks.*Triangle toggles between your primary weapon and any secondary weapon or other tool you are holding. Holding triangle switches to your pistol, it will also automatically switch to your pistol if you pick up a briefcase while holding a weapon that requires two hands to operate.*Circle does a melee attack which is mostly useless as it only does damage against weak enemies.*Square causes your helldiver to dive into a prone position which lets you dodge any projectiles. This is useful to avoid enemy and friendly fire.*X activates objects and picks up items.*L1 calls in Stratagems. Holding down the button brings up the menu with available stratagems and then you enter the 3 to 6 key stratagem code on the Dpad to call in the desired stratagem.

While in the multiplayer menu, press R1/L1 to toggle over to a list of your friends. The first hurdle is the game doesn't automatically check whether your friends are currently in a game, you have to go to that friend and press the square button to manually check if they are in a game. If they are, it tells you how many people are playing in the game 1-4 out of a max of 4, and if it is not full you can press X to jump into the game. Having to manually check wouldn't be too big of a deal except for the 2nd issue, the online list doesn't work. Rather than compile its own list of players logged into the game, Helldivers just uses PSN information. Unfortunately PSN doesn't track the online status of players across the 3 systems very well. Those playing the PS3 version will only see PS3 players that are on PSN, Vita seeing vita, and I am unsure who PS4 players see as online. As a result, I have to check my online list on the Vita (the PS3 can't see when Vitas or PS4s are online) to see who is playing helldivers on the PS4 and PS3 before booting up the game as they will show as offline on the in-game friend list. Either that or you have to manually refresh every offline player on your friend list to see if they are playing.

THAT MISSION HAD A VERY LOW SURVIVAL PROBABILITY...At the front of the ship is the galactic map which you can use to select missions. The map is laid out on a 3-pronged grid with Super Earth in the center and at the end of each of the 3 prongs is an enemy homeworld. Between Super Earth and an enemy home world are ten sectors. As missions are completed, this generates helldiver influence points which contribute to the community's total influence in that sector. Once enough influence has been generated to completely fill the yellow bar, the sector flips to Helldiver control and the action moves one sector closer to the enemy homeworld. Once all 10 sectors have been flipped to Helldiver control, a final, 48 hour assault begins on the enemy homeworld. If the yellow influence bar is filled in 48 hours then the assault is successful and that race is exterminated for the rest of the war. If the assault fails, then the enemy attacks the capital planet of the previous sector and a 2.5 hour defend mission begins. If the defense is not successful, then the sector falls under the enemy's control and the Federation fleet is pushed back to the next sector where another defend event begins.

At the end of the mission the team is scored in 3 ways. For every objective completed you get XP and if all the objectives are completed the team gets a star. For every Helldiver that makes it onto the evacuation shuttle you get XP and if all team members get on the shuttle the team gets a 2nd star. The fewer times people die, the more bonus XP you get, if there are few deaths (how many depends on the difficulty) then the team gets a 3rd star. To determine how many influence points the mission was worth, the level of difficulty is multiplied by how many stars were obtained in the mission. Each missing star reduces the influence by 1/3rd, so if you, for example, complete a lvl 12 helldiver but get just a one star rating then you only contribute (12 X 1/3 = 4) 4 influence points toward the community total.

There are a variety of different planet types which will affect the map layout. Deserts are wide open with the occasional cliffs and giant rocks to shape your route. Forests have more twisty and narrower paths with pools of water which will slow you down. Volcanic planets are fairly similar to deserts, except a bit rockier, and occasionally deadly lava will spew up and kill anyone caught in it. Snow planets are covered in a thick layer of snow which greatly slows helldiver movement speed unless you equip the all terrain boots perk. The missions themselves are randomly generated, based on the planet type it will pick a map layout and then populate it with a mixture of objectives based on the difficulty level. You must complete and/or fail (if it is possible) every objective on the list before you can head to the extraction point to call for an Evac shuttle. There you must stay alive for 90 seconds until the shuttle comes.

You will face one of 3 enemy races depending on which of the 3 prongs you picked on the galactic map.The Bugs are clearly inspired by the enemies from the film Starship Troopers. They use sheer numbers to overwhelm you and are almost completely melee based. The scouts and stealthy units are weakly armored but some of the later warrior units have quite thick armor. They have 2 different types of tanks. One is a heavily armored, elephant-sized beast which can charge into you, which causes instant death. The other hides a distance away and shoots 3 tentacles into the ground which pop up elsewhere and knock you to the ground.The cyborgs are former humans who didn't want to live under the Federation. They have heavily modified their bodies with implants to have a competitive advantage. They move in squads and use many of the same types of weapons as the helldivers: machine guns, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, mechs, and tanks. Also working for them are robotic hounds which will briefly stun you each time they pounce.The Illuminate are a squid-like race in the vein of the Protoss from Starcraft. They are a highly technologically advantaged race which use shields, cloaking, teleportation, and energy weapons extensively. The shields on most units are fairly thick and regenerate quickly, but once down their physical bodies are fairly weak. They have a tank which can project a shield wall that helldivers cannot pass through and another which use mind control to temporarily flip your controls (left is right and up is down).

One of the more important choices is a secondary heavy weapon as none of the primary weapons can do damage to the toughest enemies, the tank types which appear in higher difficulty missions. You need a heavy weapon and / or some anti-tank airstrikes. There are grenade launchers, heavy machine guns, laser cannons, disposable rocket launchers, a rifle which fires tank busting shells, a flamethrower, etc.

PRESENTATIONNot only are the bugs a clear homage to Starship Troopers, but many other aspects of the presentation are rooted in that film. The opening cinematic which gives a brief overview of the world is tongue in cheek propaganda like the "Would you like to know More?" segments from Starship Troopers. War updates come over the Federation-controlled news network. The design of the helldivers and the evac shuttle are also reminiscent of the Mobile Infantry and Fleet shuttles from Starship Troopers. Even the names of some trophies are lines of dialogue direct from the film. Those little touches give the shooter a little more personality.

The sound effects are also quite well done from the digital bink for each entry of a stratagem code, to the floppy drive-esque sound of the illuminate scout, to the weapon fire and enemy noises. Every enemy makes a distinct ambient noise so even if you can't see it yet on the screen, you can hear them coming and react accordingly. The voice acting is a little disappointing though, there is the option for one female or one male voice and they say about 8-10 different phrases when you issue commands with the D-pad. With so few phrases it would have been nice if they offered a few other different male / female voices, possibly at different ages and/or accents. It seems strange to have so many different choices for dress up, but everyone sounds the same. After all, the helldivers are supposed to be populated from everyone on the planet.

TIPS:*Friendly Fire is always on so watch your shots and stratagem placements.*Upgrade the UAV to max as soon as possible so that you can see research samples on your mini-map as it will greatly assist in the hunt for samples.*The distractor beacon (which draws in any enemy units not aggroed to you) is invaluable for soloing, but also to distract a horde that is too large to fight. Get a little ahead of them, chuck a beacon in the opposite direction you plan to run, then hoof it.*Different weapons types are better equipped to deal with different races. For instance Illuminate shields appear to burst based on the number of times they are hit, not necessarily how much damage is inflicted to them, which makes shotguns ideal. Cyborgs are heavily armored which means explosive ordinance or armor piercing rounds are best. Bugs come in large numbers and any armor they have is nature provided which makes them susceptible to to a variety of weapons, flame, and toxins.*On higher difficulties (6+) always have a plan to deal with tank type enemies if you are playing with randoms. That means at least secondary weapon and/or stratagem(s) with explosive damage or ideally anti-tank properties.*You get XP for every objective completed as well as bonus XP for every pilot who evacs on the shuttle and for minimizing deaths. You get the XP for completely objectives regardless if you fail the mission so even if things look hopeless it is worth sticking to the end for that XP.*To expedite leveling, play during capital city defend events and homeworld assault events. The reward for beating these missions are double XP.*Going prone makes it more difficult for enemies to detect you and causes most weapons fire to pass harmlessly overhead. To increase the amount of time before the enemy spots you at the extraction point, start the countdown going and then go prone behind any nearby rocks or trees.*Find a weapon you like and start upgrading it. If it uses ammo (non-laser weapons) upgrade the resupply stratagem to decrease its calldown time from 15 seconds to 5 seconds. If it requires two hands to operate (submachine guns and some shotguns can he shot with one hand) then upgrade the pistol to max as when carrying briefcases you only have the use of one hand, so you will be forced to use the pistol. Don't forget to switch off the pistol by pressing triangle once you drop off the briefcase.*Whenever you pick-up a weapon, the game will automatically switch to it. Keep that in mind so you don't accidentally fire off a weapon with little ammo or that is highly destructive when you still thought you were firing your primary weapon. I've wasted quite a few recoiless rifle shots and demolisher satchels that way.*All Terrain boots cause you to run at full speed in the snow.*Stratagems can be launched from inside mech suits, but not from inside the other vehicles.*L2 (grenade button) fires the secondary weapon of the 3 mechs.The walker fires an explosive missile that homes in and does some damage to tanks.The lumberer fires an anti-tank cannon.The Obsidian fires a gun in the left arm allowing for 2x fire if holding both L2 and R2 down.*Explosive and anti-tank damage can blow up the destruction objectives if you don't want to wait for the hellbomb. Some examples are the Lumberer mech's cannon, the Eat-17 RPG, the recoiless rifle, the shredder airstrike, the railshot airstrike, the demolisher satchel charge, the Heavy Assault vehicle's cannon, etc. This will also get you the When the wrong tools do the job, are they still wrong? trophy.*Unexploded ordinance disposal requires a mine detector. Call down the stratagem and it takes up your secondary weapon slot and then hold primary fire to begin detection. I would recommend holding the fire button for a few seconds, if you don't get a signal release, move a few feet, and then press it again. Once you have a signal, keep holding the fire button and rotate with the right stick to find in which direction the mine is located. 2ff7e9595c

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